
AtSubwayyougetone5minutebreak.IwassuretheremustbesomeFederallawsmandatingaminimumtimeforbreakswithinacertainamountofhoursofwork, ...,2022年6月17日—I'veworkedatmultipleSubways,andinmystate,wearerequireda10minuterest(paid)breakforevery4hoursofwork.,2024年3月6日—呼叫呼叫!餅乾控快衝啊!麻辣餅乾????️買一送一!香香甜甜的現烤餅乾,加入辣椒碎迸出驚奇新滋味~讓人驚艷的麻香和辣感,吃得好涮嘴!大人系口味...

Petition · Subway

At Subway you get one 5 minute break. I was sure there must be some Federal laws mandating a minimum time for breaks within a certain amount of hours of work, ...

how do you guys take breaks when you're working alone?

2022年6月17日 — I've worked at multiple Subways, and in my state, we are required a 10 minute rest (paid) break for every 4 hours of work.

我想要take a break????我想吃subway???? 明天焦凡凡fanfan 跟...

2024年3月6日 — 呼叫呼叫!餅乾控快衝啊! 麻辣餅乾????️ 買一送一! 香香甜甜的現烤餅乾,加入辣椒碎迸出驚奇新滋味 ~ 讓人驚艷的麻香和辣感,吃得好涮嘴! 大人系口味( ...

Subway Take a break - 臭皮| StreetVoice 街聲

Subway Take a break. 5 首歌曲・2018-08-10. 訂閱1. 播放次數0. 已訂閱 1. 分享:. Subway Take a break. 臭皮. 會員. + 追蹤. 曲目. 排序 ...

Define Break Rules

Select Deduct Unpaid and Untaken Breaks if you want LiveIQ Labor to add breaks where an employee should have taken them and deduct pay where applicable. You can ...

Do you guys get breaks?

2019年1月8日 — Anything under 5 no break. Up to 8 you get 1 break. After 10 hours you get an extra 15 minutes. But we are told it's paid break so sometimes we ...

Working Hours at Subway

134 questions and answers about Subway Working Hours. Do you get a break on a 6 hour shift eg. 7-1.